Elissos Crete Video Presentation
Dear Friends,
Elissos Travelling Philosophy/Private Themed Tours in Crete wellcomes the new Season with a Video Presentation of the unique Travel Experience you can enjoy on Crete with us!
Read full articleDear Friends,
Elissos Travelling Philosophy/Private Themed Tours in Crete wellcomes the new Season with a Video Presentation of the unique Travel Experience you can enjoy on Crete with us!
Read full articleDear Friends,
Every year Elissos Travelling Philosophy/ Private Themed tours in Crete offers more and more alternative itineraries for your enjoyable and penetrating Crete touring!
This year as well, we come back with several new projects for your one day or more of touring on Crete and with a thematic 9 days Study tour in early October focusing on the Prehellenic Mysteries.
Read full articleIn the Wake of Penelope touring experience 2013 finished leaving unique records in our memory and love in our hearts. Here some of our best moments! Get ready for so much more to come!
Read full articleAll along the North slope of the Acropolis Hill recent excavations have revealed a series of cave-shrines dedicated to old chthonic Gods and Goddesses. Their aspects and worshiping rituals go back to prehellenic times while being absorbed and in some cases renamed by the Greeks, their worshiping process and ritual practice was always connected with the one of Athena on the Acropolis Rock.
Read full articlePeak Sanctuaries were a phenomenon dating from the Middle Minoan I period.
The peak santuary on Juktas served the Minoan palace of Knossos. It was probably built in the MM IA period around 2100 BCE, and was first excavated by Arthur Evans in 1909.
The dancing floor of “Ariadne of the lovely tresses”…
Evidence for circle dances in the Aegean comes from a variety of sites.
The first example comes from Crete in the Early Bronze Age. The settings of these
Dances were the Early Minoan cemeteries of south-central Crete, particularly in the region of the Mesara plain.
August 31, Saturday – September 6, Friday: A 7 day Study Tour combining History, Archaeology, Spiritual Research and Arts in an interactive and experiential Travel Seminar!!!
Read full articleThe Minoan palace, city and necropolis of Petras, Siteia East Crete is now open to the public!!
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