The Unknown Story of Pasiphae

Pasiphae is the daughter of Helios and Perse, the sister of Perses and Aeetes, the king of Colchis, the sister of the witch Circi, and the wife of Minos.
The Legend of Pasiphae
Her story is connected to her illegitimate and unnatural love for the bull that Poseidon emerged from the sea, a sign of the gods’ preference for Minos in the dispute he had with his brothers Radamanthis and Sarpedon for power. However, while this act of Poseidon secured power to Minos without bloodshed, Minos did not sacrifice the animal, as he had promised. On the contrary, he sent it to his flocks because of its beauty and to preserve its race.
For this act of exceeding the divine command, the god enraged the bull, causing destruction, and later made love to Pasiphae. It was also said that this love was the work of Aphrodite, who thus punished Pasiphae because she had despised the worship of the goddess, like Hippolytus, for whom he made love to Pasiphae’s daughter Phaedra, even though he was her ancestor. According to others, Pasiphae’s unbridled love for the bull was a punishment for her father Helios, as he revealed to Hephaestus the goddess’s illicit love with Ares.

Relief Skyphos with Pasiphae, Daedalus and the Heifer Photo Credit: Ashley Van Haeften
The Help of Daedalus
Pasiphae, in her despair for her unfulfilled love, asked Daedalus to help her satisfy her desire. Daedalus made a model of a wooden cow, hollow inside, so perfect and similar to a real heifer that the bull was deceived. From this paradoxical union of the bull and Pasiphae, the Minotaur was born, half-bull half-man, who lived in the Labyrinth, also the work of Daedalus, and fed on human flesh.
Pasiphae’s Relationship with King Minos
Pasiphae was also considered a witch, as she was Circi’s sister and Medea’s niece. This is evident from her relationship with Minos. At the beginning of his reign, Minos did not have children, because he suffered from a venereal disease: reptiles came out of his body that ate the entrails of every woman who lay with him. Only Pasiphae did not suffer anything, because she was the daughter of Helios. According to another version of the legend, Pasiphae bewitched him, because Minos had many mistresses. Thus, the women who went with him were devoured by scorpions and snakes that came out of his body. He was healed by Procris, the daughter of the king of Athens Erechtheus.
The Peloponnesian Version of Pasiphae’s Story
In Laconia, they showed the oracle of Pasiphae. Not necessarily of the Cretan woman of Minos, but the Trojan Cassandra, or Daphne, or a daughter of Atalanta, who later became the mother of Ammon by Zeus. All of them had the nickname Pasiphae. However, the Cretan Pasiphae seems to have been more than just a queen and wife of Minos, known for her unnatural love and her famous children.
Her origin is from Helios. The testimony of Pausanias that in the Chambers of Messinia there were two bronze statues, of Pasiphae and the Helios. Pasiphae is an invocation of Selene, as well as the testimony of Plutarch that the one dedicated to Pasiphae The oracle of Laconia was a dream oracle and that those who wanted to receive an oracle went and slept there so that the next day the priests could interpret their dreams. Yet, her ability to control sexual function with the disease of Minos, indicates that she is a powerful Minoan goddess. All this recalls the Snake Goddess, the figurine from the palaces of Knossos, of the Late Bronze Age, ca. 1600 BC.
Knossos Palace Tours by Elissos
Meet the Minoan Civilization & the Ancient Greek Music
Start your day visiting the most important archaeological site on Crete, the Minoan palace of Knossos, and the mythical Labyrinth of Homer. You will be visiting an amazing area of 22.000sq meters. A prehistoric “city”, the place where the oldest European civilization started and flourished some 5000 years ago. During your tour, you will reveal the unique prehistoric course of the island. Penetrate its ancient cult, arts, and ritual practices. Your journey into prehistoric times will be completed by visiting the biggest prehistoric collection of artifacts in Greece, the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. This is where you can see at close range all treasures from all Minoan palaces excavated on Crete.
A short walking tour of the old, historic section of the town of Heraklion will follow. A walk inside the town’s Open-Air Market will make your senses awaken with its different and various smells, colors, and sounds! A traditional meal will follow, in one of the town’s most authentic “mezedopolia” local restaurants. In a private studio, you will enjoy an hour and a half workshop on ancient Greek Music, in theory, and practice. During the experiential part of the workshop, you are becoming a musician! We welcome you to attempt to play yourselves simple ancient music rhythms using accurate copies of ancient Greek musical instruments. Don’t worry your instructor will be there to help!
Percy Jackson Inspired Experience
This Experience is inspired by Percy Jackson’s books and is particularly designed for youth and family. It approaches the Cretan Labyrinth and its mysteries from a mythological and historical point of view. Focusing on making the story interesting and engaging, but also clear and easy to understand for our little friends. It binds the ancient Myths with the everyday life of the Minoans in the palace. This experience offers an experiential trip in time, through interactive features, pictures, sounds, and images. During the tour, you will be using 3D tablets, presenting a recreation of the most important parts of the palace.
The second part of this day’s experience offers an interactive workshop on Minoan- Style Pottery. Conducted by a rewarded Potter and Artist, specializing in the recreations of Minoan pottery. Our Potter is rewarded by the Ministry of Culture of Greece for his work. He also has a lot of experience in cultural and educational seminars for children and adults. With Vassilis, you will find out a lot about clay in general (elaboration, processing, use, results) and about the Minoan pottery techniques in particular. These techniques flourished on the island 5.000 years ago, in a fun and interactive way. Your children will have the chance to learn, play and create their masterpieces. They can choose from a big variety of mythological figures, make their Art piece and have them shipped back home!
The Great Labyrinth Tour
Your day will start with visiting the most important archaeological site in Crete. The Minoan palace of Knossos, and the mythical Labyrinth of Homer. In a beautiful nature park near Knossos, you will experience an hour and a half session on the Minoan Ritual Dance. In theory, and practice. Based on the ancient Minoan Art depictions and ancient literature, we will attempt an approach to the ancient Minoan ritual dance. What was the meaning of the Labyrinth? What was the “Labyrinth Dance” of Ariadni? Enjoy your lunch in a traditional Cretan restaurant in the mountains, near Knossos. This is a great chance to taste the Cretan Mountain cuisine! Wine tasting of different types of wine produced in the region. “Raki” tasting (local spirit produced of grapes) will come next. There, following the traditional process, you will taste, bottle, and seal your wine!
Knossos Palace & Heraklion Archaeology Museum
Start your day visiting the most important archaeological site on Crete and the second most visited archaeological site in Greece. The Minoan palace of Knossos, the mythical Labyrinth of Homer. Concentrating on the prehistoric era of the island, revealing its unique historic course, and penetrating its ancient prehistoric cult, arts, and ritual practices, you will be visiting an amazing area of 22.000sq meters. Your journey into prehistoric times is being completed by visiting the biggest prehistoric collection of artifacts in Greece. The archaeological museum of Heraklion. There you can see at close range all treasures from all Minoan palaces and other Minoan areas excavated on Crete.
Feature Image by: Art Gallery ErgsArt — by ErgSap