Traditional Farming in Crete | Elissos

Farming in Crete is bliss! The rich soil and the mild climate help farmers cultivate their lands with no troubles. For this reason, the traditional way of farming remains alive in Crete. The only thing that changed from the past is the modern facilities. Otherwise, the philosophy behind developing farms is the same.
Cretan farmers are lucky enough to grow numerous varieties of flavorsome fruit and vegetables. With warm breezes coming from the Sahara Desert and nippy alpine conditions, there is an insane array of crops. Farmers in Crete each season bring new intense tastes onto the table helping to form the legendary Mediterranean diet.
In this article we will focus on the traditional farming methods in Crete, separating them into different categories. Let’s dive in!
Livestock Farming in Crete
Crete may only be an island; however, it is the region in Greece where sheep and goat farming are the most developed. Nevertheless, the flock grazing practices Cretan farmers use are what differentiate them from the rest of the farmers in the country. Livestock farming in Crete was always partially domestic with the livestock animals munching on cultivated lands around the villages and in meadows. Finally, it is quite common to see farmers using the mountain ranges as fields for their flock.
Sheepherding in Crete
Sheepherding is the first profession in Crete, as validated by references found in writings of Homer or proof drawn from the Minoan civilization. Since ancient times there were pastoral communities and historic evidence is plentiful, nevertheless, visiting a shepherd today in Crete is all the evidence we need. They continue to have a genuine unique bond with their flock. Talking with them and spending time with them will give us all the answers on pastoral life we need. Roaming around the slopes of Mount Psiloritis, notice the raw constructions on the mountains, such as the «mitata» and the «koumoi». The «mitata» are shepherds’ huts that are made of stone and have a roof in the shape of a vault. The «koumoi» is the space within the hut where the shepherds make their cheese.
Moreover, you will notice the many tracks and trails that the shepherds take daily with their flocks. Take a moment to listen to their stories and familiarize yourself with the practices they use. They will show you how to use their tools and they will explain to you why they are so important. Shepherds in Crete have their principles and standard codes that they use, sometimes rather difficult to understand. However, you will immediately see for yourself that their sheepherding ways are consistent with the past. Their peaceful lives are not lost amid the hundreds of years, on the contrary, they are more alive than ever!
Goat and Sheep Breeding in Crete
Cretan shepherds follow traditional methods when it comes to goat and sheep breeding as well. Even though do not have large numbers of production, the quality of the dairy products remains high as does the quality of the animal feed. The milk of sheep and goat brought up in Crete is the ideal base for Crete’s dairy items. For instance, if we compare the endemic plant species that grow in the UK and the ones that grow in Crete, the results are shocking. Great Britain has just six endemic plant species developed on its territories, while in Crete they surpass 160. Consequently, the supplements in the milk created by sheep brought up in the UK will not be the equivalent of the ones contained in the milk of sheep brought up in Crete.
Agritourism in Crete the Elissos way
At Elissos we love to incorporate as many traditional elements of Crete as possible in our tours. Agriculture is one of the biggest and most significant ways that helped shape Crete into what it is today. An island that is rich in culture, keeps its traditions and customs alive, and has impacted the world with its history. We proudly present our top 4 activities that we designed with great passion and care for our land. We want you to experience our region in the utmost authentic way possible but always with a twist and never compromising the quality of our services. Enjoy!
History, Tradition and Folk Arts — Elissos Tradition and Agriculture Experience
A full day of learning about traditional Cretan architecture, embracing the Cretan lifestyle, and of course tasting the local products. Wander around the quaint villages admiring the churches and learning about Orthodox religion. Participate in various handicraft workshops and watch how the locals make sheep bells and weave baskets. Visit a local honey workshop and find out about the importance of bees. Make cheese at a local dairy and of course, buy some to take home with you. As if all this is not enough, you will also taste local Cretan products right from the source such as olive oil, wine, and herbal tea. Finally, enjoy a cooking course at a local’s house using ingredients from their garden. Cherish this unique opportunity as the cook will share with you the secrets of Cretan cuisine!
A Day in a Cretan Farm — Elissos Tradition, Gastronomy, and Agriculture Experience
A fun day that you and your family members will enjoy in the heart of Crete! Once you arrive at the farm, you will instantly feel at home! The hosts will greet you and welcome you with open arms, you will immediately understand the true meaning of «Cretan hospitality». They will show you how to make Cretan specialties such as the famously delicious Cretan pies and bread. Perhaps the most unique part of this activity is that you will prepare your lunch the Minoan way, on the hearth fire with fresh ingredients that you will select from the farm. Take a walk around the farm, milk the goats, learn how to make «tyrozouli» cheese, and collect the eggs from the hens. After your wonderful meal, you will learn all about olive oil and raki production. Finally, head back to your hotel full of amazing memories!
The Magic Bee World — Elissos Tradition, Gastronomy, and Agriculture Experience
One of our most interesting and relevant experiences! A day at a gorgeous bee garden will have you rethink your take on life, biodiversity, and climate change. Learn the massive role bees have on the environment, and how these magnificent pollinators can save humanity. At the local apiary, find out about all the different varieties of honey. Also, find out the health benefits of this sweet ancient product. Apart from honey-tasting, your host will introduce you to the world of the bees. Learn how the beehive is structured, how they are organized, and allow their strategy to stimulate you! On your way out, make sure you buy a few extra jars of honey as gifts to your loved ones. We are certain that they will appreciate eating Cretan honey for breakfast!
The Horse Riding Experience — Elissos Hiking and Nature Experience
If you love horses, nature and ancient history, this activity is definitely for you! The bond between horses and humans can be very strong as horses horses display a broad range of emotions. These amazingly communicative animals thrive in social settings and are very special creatures. Ride one of these beauties in a Cretan countryside and enjoy the absolute feeling of freedom. The sceneries that you will have the opportunity to visit will be as impressive and breathtaking, just like the horses! Moreover, just before you lunch in a modern picturesque seaside town, you will also visit the most imposing ancient Greco Roman cities in Crete! Intrigued yet?